Online registration of a company usually takes 48 - 72 hours to be completed. However, if you require your company to be incorporated the same day as you file, there is an express service that makes this possible.
If you add our same-day incorporation service to your basket at checkout, we will push your company to Companies House's priority queue. This essentially means that your application ‘jumps the queue’ ahead of standard applications, so that it is set up by the end of the day.
This service is only available Monday – Friday, and you will need to provide all the correct information before 2pm to ensure we have enough time to check your application for mistakes (if you have purchased the pre-submission quality check) and submit your application. Please note, same-day incorporation is not feasible on public holidays or weekends.
What happens if I submit my application after 3pm?
If you have paid for same-day incorporation but submitted your information to us after 3pm there are two outcomes:
1. Your application of incorporation will be rejected and returned to us, as your company formation officer.
2. Your application will be automatically scheduled to be processed at the next available time which tends to be the next working day.
If you have submitted your application as a same day incorporation, you cannot change this to the standard service as it would have already been prioritised on the Companies House server.
What happens if my application is rejected?
If your submission has been rejected due to being submitted later than 2pm or other reasons, you can either amend your application and we will resubmit as a priority or you can receive a full refund and resubmit your application as either as either same day or standard service.
If you have any questions about company incorporation or any of our services, our customer service team is only a phone call or online chat away and always happy to help.