Terms and Conditions

Comdal Limited provides the website Easy Digital Company and the services provided through this website to you subject to the terms and conditions of use.

Last Updated 18-April-2024

Please read these Terms carefully before using the service. By using the service you agree to be legally bound by these Terms and all terms, policies and guidelines incorporated in these terms. If you do not agree with these terms in their entirety, you may not use the services provided.

Comdal Ltd reserve the right to change or modify any of the terms and conditions contained in these terms or any policy or guideline applicable to the service, at any time and at its sole discretion. We will notify you at the email address provided at registration, if we make any changes to these terms and conditions.

You are deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions when you tick the acceptance box on our registration form and log on for the first time.

We are: Comdal Limited, registered in England & Wales, Company Number 7958931.
Comdal Ltd own and operate the site Easy Digital Company

You are: Anyone who uses Our Website or purchases our services.

1. Definitions

Us, we, our means Comdal Limited you means the user of this website or the party purchasing amd/or using a service from us. Content means the textual, visual or aural content that is encountered as part of your experience on Our Website. It may include, among other things: text, images, sounds, videos and animations. It includes content input by you.

Intellectual Property means intellectual property owned by us, of every sort, whether or not registered or registrable in any country, including intellectual property of all kinds coming into existence after today; and including, among others, patents, trademarks, unregistered marks, designs, copyrights, domain names, discoveries, creations and inventions, together with all rights which are derived from those rights.

Our Website means any website of ours, and includes all web pages controlled by us.

Product means any product sold or offered for sale by us on Our Website.

Software means the software you will use in association with the Product. It includes all software owned by us, regardless of the source from which you acquired it, and the time when you have or will acquire it.

2. Interpretation

In this agreement unless the context otherwise requires:
  • every term in this agreement applies both to the Product and to any Software, so far as it may so apply.
  • a reference to a person includes a human individual, a corporate entity and any organisation which is managed or controlled as a unit.
  • in the context of permission, “may not” in connection with an action of yours, means “must not”.
  • the headings to the paragraphs and schedules (if any) to this agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation.
  • any agreement by either party not to do or omit to do something includes an obligation not to allow some other person to do or omit to do that same thing;
  • any obligation of any person arising from this agreement may be performed by any other person;
  • a reference to an act or regulation includes new law of substantially the same intent as the act or regulation referred to.
  • these terms and conditions apply to all supplies of Products by us. They prevail over any terms proposed by you.
  • this agreement is made only in the English language. If there is any conflict in meaning between the English language version of this agreement and any version or translation of this agreement in any other language, the English language version shall prevail.

3. Basis of Contract

  • In entering into this contract you have not relied on any representation or information from any source except the definition and explanation of a Product given on Our Website.
  • If you use Our Website in any way and make an order on behalf of another person you warrant that you have full authority to do so and you accept personal responsibility for every act or omission by you.
  • You acknowledge that you understand exactly what is included in a Product and you are satisfied that the Product you have selected is suitable and satisfactory for your requirements;
  • You must not copy or publish Software except as specifically allowed in this agreement.
  • We may change these terms from time to time. The terms that apply to you are those posted here on Our Website on the day you order a Product.

4. Privacy Policy

Before you continue using our website we advise you to read our privacy policy regarding our user data collection. It will help you better understand our practices.

5. Your Rights to use the Service

You are only granted the right to use the Services and only for the purposes described by Comdal. Comdal reserves all other rights in the Services. Until termination of this Agreement and as long as you meet any applicable payment obligations and comply with this Agreement, Comdal grants to you a personal, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right and license to use the Services.

You agree not to use, nor permit any third party to use, the Services or content in a manner that violates any applicable law, regulation or this Agreement. You agree you will not: Provide access to or give any part of the Services to any unauthorized third party.
Reproduce, modify, copy, deconstruct, sell, trade or resell the Services.
Make the Services available on any file-sharing or application hosting service.

6. Payment

Fees and any other charges for the use of the Application may change from time to time. If we change them, we will give you at least 30 days notice. If they do change, your continued use of the Application, indicates your agreement with the new fees and charges after the effective date of the change. Any change to fees and other charges will not be applicable to the billing period in which the change occurs. You are responsible for all taxes applicable to the fees and charges in any applicable jurisdiction.
The Services are offered on a payment basis, the following terms apply if you are the User paying for the Services, unless Comdal Ltd. or its third party affiliate notifies you otherwise in writing. This Agreement also incorporates by reference and includes the following payment terms provided to you on the website for the Services:
Payment is in Pounds sterling (£), plus any applicable taxes
If your payment and registration information is not accurate, current, and complete and you do not notify us promptly when such information changes, we may suspend or terminate your account and refuse your use of the Services.

7. Security of card payment data

We take care to make our Website safe for you to use.
Any card payments you make to purchase services are processed using a third party Card processor (currently Stripe). We do not store or transmit any card data, however we do ensure that all data captured and transmitted is in accordance with best encryption practices. It is your responsibility to ensure that when using the website your browser is displaying the respective secure symbol (example padlock) and that your browser is kept updated with security patches from the vendor.

8. Cancellation and refund policy

8.1 Refunds on company incorporation

If you have paid and created an account with us and we have not started to process your incorporation (which includes any director checks), then we will refund the amount paid in full.
If we have started to process your incorporation, then we will refund any amounts paid (which include other services) less a deduction of £25.

8.1 Refunds on unused Services
Where you have paid for a company service in advance, for example a company registered address, and you wish to terminate your agreement with us, we will refund on a pro-rate basis up to the nearest month less £25 processing fee. For example if you paid £60 for 12 months of a registered address service which starts on 1-Jan and you cancel on the last day of June, then we will refund you £5 (£30 less £25 refund processing fee)

9. Customer Data

We do not claim any ownership interest in your User Content, but we do need the right to use your User Content to the extent necessary to operate the Site and provide the Services, now and in the future.
The customer shall own all right, title and interest in and to all of the customer data and shall have sole responsibility for the legality, reliability. integrity, accuracy of the Customer data
If Comdal Ltd process any personal data on the Customer's behalf when performing its obligations under this agreement, the parties record their intention that the Customer shall be data controller and Comdal Ltd. shall be data processor and in any such case:
The Customer shall ensure that the Customer is entitled to transfer the relevant personal data to Comdal Ltd. so that Comdal Ltd. may lawfully use, process and transfer the personal data in accordance with this agreement on the Customer's behalf. The Customer shall ensure that the relevant third parties have been informed of, and have given their consent to, such use processing and transfer as required by all all applicable data legislation.
Comdal Ltd. shall process any personal data only in accordance with the terms of this agreement, the documentation and any lawful instructions reasonably given by the Customer from time to time.
Each party shall take appropriate technical and organisational measures against unauthorised or unlawful processing of the personal data or its accidental loss, destruction or damage.
The Customer shall indemnify Comdal Ltd. in respect if any loss damages or costs (including reasonable legal costs) arising out of any breach of this the Clauses 3 by the Customer.

10. Technical Support, service availability and changes

Comdal Ltd will take all steps possible to ensure that our website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
It is possible that on occasions the Website may be unavailable to permit us to upgrade or maintain our systems, we will endeavour to keep any downtime to a minimum but do not guarantee system at all times
You acknowledge that our service may also be interrupted for many reasons beyond our control.
You agree that we are not liable to you for any loss, foreseeable or not, arising from any interruption to our service.
Help Desk support is available Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) 08.30 to 17.30.
Our platform constantly undergoes change, we release new product features and changes to functionality regularly, in doing so we may change a screen flow, method of calculation or logic. We therefore, do not guarantee that data entered into the system before a change will be consistent and/or displayed in the same way at a later period. When our filing product is used, the filing artifacts are saved and these will never change as they are your record of submission. However if you enter data and come back at a later date you are responsible to check your inputs and outputs before you make any filing submission.

11. Professional Advice & liability for managed returns

Whilst we will try and assist with any queries relating to the use of our services, any information that we provide does not constitute legal, accounting, tax, investment or other professional advice or services. You should not act upon any information that we provide without obtaining specific professional, legal or tax advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided, and, to the extent permitted by law, Comdal Limited, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information provided or for any decision based on it.
You are responsible for checking and validating that any data or automated calculations made by the system in any returns or reporting to Government agencies are correct. Where we create and submit any returns or reports on your behalf, you understand and accept that we are not operating on a agency basis and that you remain the party making the legal declaration, and therefore are fully liable for your return or report submission with any future investigations & questions wholly between you and the investigating agency, you also accept that we will not be liable for any costs or fines incurred as a result of incorrect or late filing of a return to any government agency, and thus it is your obligation to review all filing materials before submission and ensure timely delivery.

12. Terms of Service for Company Incorporations and services

12.1 Due Diligence

For our a company incorporation Filing Service, we must comply with Anti Money Laundering (AML) legislation. As part of our compliance to this legislation, in certain circumstances, we may need to carry out customer due diligence checks. The following checks will need to be carried out for Persons of Significant Control within the Company, and therefore we may ask for:

  • Full Name
  • Scanned Passport/Drivers Licence
  • Proof of residential address
  • Date of Birth

You cannot use this service if you are under 16 years of age, are an undischarged bankrupt, or are on the Disqualified Directors Register.
Although we are legally bound to perform AML checks as above, we are not responsible or liable for any rejection of incorporation or problems arising due to the appointment of any persons not meeting the legal requirements for company formation. It is your responsibility to ensure all persons named on the company formation application are eligible to hold their respective positions.

Incorporations where made by individuals or corporate entities that are outside of the UK territory will require enhanced compliance review to adhere to the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019. We are legally bound to determine and verify the ultimate beneficial owner(s), therefore we will need to perform an 'Non UK enhanced verification' on these in individuals or corporate entities. This enhanced verification will require an additional fee of £100 + VAT (if applicable), for each hour or partial hour spent on determining the ultimate beneficial owner(s). This fee is non-refundable, including a situation where we have been unable to determine who the the ultimate beneficial owner(s) are, and cannot proceed with the incorporation.

12.2 Company Services

12.2.1 Company Incorporation
Once you have paid, added your information and directors details and clicked the submit for incorporation button, we will start to process your application between 08:30-16:30 monday to friday, UK bank holidays excepted. Once AML checks have been performed and have passed, we will then forward your submission to Companies House for application on the register. If your incorporation is successful, we will update your company status on the portal, and email you the incorporation certificate. If your incorporation is unsuccessful we will notify you with the reason(s) for you to remedy. Please note that if your application is rejected due to disqualified directors or inappropriate name (for example a protected name or containing words that are defamatory or vulgar), you will not be able to proceed with this incorporation and will need to purchase a new (further) incorporation from us. Although most incorporations are made within 3-6 hours, as we do not control the Companies House incorporation process, we cannot guarantee a time-frame unless the same day service is purchased and all AML checks are successfully completed before 15:00 hours on the day.

12.2.1 Company Registered Address
If you purchase a company registered address service from us we will update the companies registered address to Peek House, 20 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1EB. This service allows a single company to receive statutory mail from Government bodies only. Any mail will be scanned and available on the company portal at https://easydigitalcompany.com for viewing and downloading. To use this service you can either pay for it at time of incorporation or at a later stage. You must pay for 12 months in advance, we will notify you that your service is expiring 30 days prior to expiry. If you do not renew we will not process any mail for you, and you will need to change your registered address yourself. We aim to process all mail received the same day Monday to Friday bank holidays excepted. If this service is purchased at time of incorporation, it will include 2 officers service address, further officers will require a Service address package. A renewal of this service does not include officers service addresses. This service does not provide a business address or a trading address and must not be used as the Principal Place of Business address for VAT registration purposes. Any mail received which is non-statutory (i.e general business mail) - will not be processed or forwarded unless you also purchase the Business address service.

12.2.2 Company Officers Service Address
A company officer service address package allows a single officer to have their service address to be Peek House, 20 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1EB. This product is billed 12 months in advance. This service allows the officer to receive statutory mail from Government bodies only, which will be scanned and made available in the company portal and/or forwarded to the officers registered email address.

12.2.3 Company Business Address
A company address service enables a single company to use the address Peek House, 20 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1EB, as their business address. This service provides you with a mail forwarding service from all senders other than those official government agencies which are only covered by our Registered Office and Service Address services. This service does not provide you with a trading address, and must not be used as the Principal Place of Business address for VAT registration purposes. Mail received will be forwarded to your residential address (or other nominated address) and charged at a cost of Royal Mail postage plus a 20% handling fee (50 pence minimum). This service is for non-statutory general business mail only.

12.2.4 Cancellation
Comdal Limited reserves the right to terminate with immediate effect any company service where we deem continuation of the service will cause reputational or potential liability from 3rd party claims. Inj doing so any contract between us and you will cease and if applicable we will update the companies registered address and any service addresses to the last residential address we have on record.
If you wish to terminate any service you must do so giving 30 days notice by contacting us on 0203 051 9990 (08:30 - 17:30 monday-Friday, bank holidays excepted) and advise use of your cancellation request.

12.2.5 Exclusions to mail being received
We will handle parcels as defined by Royal Mail, as being an item weighing over 750grams or in excess of 353 x 250mm in size; however, we will not accept or handle any items weighing more than 5kg or larger than 500 x 500mm in dimension, as we do not have the storage facilities to store large parcels.

13. Intellectual Property

All Intellectual property rights relating to the service, the documentation of the service remain the property of Comdal Limited. You may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, or sell, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit any of our Intellectual Property or that owned by any third party and accessible to you via Our Website.

14. Disclaimer and limitation of liability

14.1 General Liability
The Site, the Content and the Services are provided to you without warranties from Comdal Ltd of any kind, either express or implied. Comdal Ltd expressly disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. Comdal Ltd does not represent or warrant that Site, the Content or the Services are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. While Comdal Ltd attempts to make your access to and use of the Services safe, Comdal Ltd does not represent or warrant that the Site, the Content, or the Services are free of viruses or other harmful components.
If You suffer loss or damage (including loss of information, Data, or consequential loss) as a result of the service provided, negligence or failure to comply with these Terms, any claim by you against Comdal Limited will be limited in respect of any one incident, or series of connected incidents, to the Subscription Fees or payments made by You in the previous 6 months.
If You are not satisfied with the Service, your sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate these Terms and your use of the Software and Website.

14.2 Specific Liability for Company Incorporation and company services
We will not accept any liability for any omissions or errors in the data presented to companies house for incorporation, and/or any subsequent or immediate rejection by our internal processes, from a 3rd party agency or government body, or from companies house.
We accept no liability If a company is struck off, fined, or pursed for damages by a third party. In using our services you accept full liability and responsibly for maintaining your company details with any relevant government or regulatory bodies, including companies house, along with any compliance and/or regulatory filing requirements from same.
You accept full responsibility and liability for your choice of a) company name, b) registered address; and any problems that may arise from your decisions relating to these.

15. Warranty Disclaimer

The Site, the Content and the Services are provided to you on basic without warranties from Comdal Ltd of any kind, either express or implied. Comdal Ltd expressly disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. Comdal Ltd does not represent or warrant that Site, the Content or the Services are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. While Comdal Ltd attempts to make your access to and use of the Services safe, Comdal Ltd does not represent or warrant that the Site, the Content, or the Services are free of viruses or other harmful components.

16. Miscellaneous

If any provision of these Terms shall be deemed unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. Comdal Ltd may assign any or all of its rights hereunder to any party without your consent. You are not permitted to assign any of your rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of Comdal Ltd, and any such attempted assignment will be void and unenforceable. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Comdal Ltd regarding your use of the Site, the Content and the Services, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous communications whether electronic, oral or written between you and Comdal Ltd regarding your use of them. The parties confirm that it is their wish that these Terms, as well as any other documents relating to this Terms, including notices, have been and shall be drawn up in the English language only.

18. Comments and Questions

If you have any questions about material which appears on our site, please contact us at support@EasyDigitalCompany.com

19. 40% off Selected Products Promotions

Valid 01.06.2024 – 30.06.2024. 40% discount applies to Ultimate Package, Registered Office Address and Business Service Address only. The coupon can be redeemed only once per customer/per transaction. The coupon discount does not apply to any additional charges such as VAT. The company reserves the right to modify or cancel the coupon at any time without prior notice. All orders are subject to accepting Comdal Ltd's Terms & Conditions above.